Welcome to my blog!

Hello, my names is Mazzi. I come from the tropical country called Pilipinas.

You have probably stumbled into my blog because either a) I told you to or b) you just want to see other people do something stupid.

I made this blog to make most out of life and try out the multitude of things that I haven't. I will posting stuff about the things that make me happy; things that make me want to spend money one; things that are pretty; things that would make you laugh or cry; or just basically things people want to see and try but haven't. I will be the jester and you shall be my meister.

Rules of the trade:
1. Anything affordable and accessible.
2. Anything that will not kill me.
3. Something worth going out and spending gas money for.
4. Nothing obscene, green or dirty please.

Also, this blog was made for fun. Comments are greatly appreciated and replies through websites,photos, videos emails and etc. are greatly welcome. Sadly, I shall repel any flames that might happen cause it doesn't make the voices in my head happy.

You will be reading about my experiences about life with slight dashes of emoness and rage if I must. But everything here will be made for good clean fun (and a reason to exploit my friends' friendships).

Let us get it started!  (・`ω´・)


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